Thirlby Clinic is in our new location as of 02/01/2025. Please click here to learn more.

New Location


As of 02/01/2025 

Thirlby Clinic, PLC

4110 Copper Ridge Drive, Ste 100
Building D
Traverse City, MI 49684

Phone: 231-935-8950

Fax: 231-935-8868


How to find Thirlby Clinic at Copper Ridge


Patient Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where is the main entrance?

The main entrance to our suite is on the east side of the building. Please park in the area just outside of our main entrance awning, walk through the parking garage and go up the stairs or elevator to level 1.

Can I park in the upstairs parking lot?

No, please park at our main entrance as indicated above. There is limited parking in that area, and it is being saved for the upstairs suites.

Is the suite ground level?

No, we are on the first floor above the parking garage. There are 2 floors.

Is the lab moving with the clinic?

Yes, the lab is a part of Thirlby Clinic and has a beautifully renovated space in the new suite.

Are all doctors moving to the new location?

Yes, all the current Thirlby Clinic doctors are moving. We are growing and have added Dr. Elizabeth Hunter as of January 1st and Dr. William Kern will join us as of March 1st.

Where will the wheelchairs be located?

 The wheelchairs will be in the parking garage just outside the double doors. Please call the office at (231) 935-8950 if you need assistance obtaining a wheelchair when you arrive in the back parking lot.

Can I park in the parking garage?

No, the parking garage is reserved for owners within the entire building.

If you have a question, please feel free to reach out to one of our staff members by calling the office at 231-935-8950. Thank you!